France : (+33) 6 95 93 15 45
Géorgie : (+995) 557 28 48 27
Nous sommes spécialisés dans la conception de sites internet :
des sites web à votre image !
"Fotovisit" is one of our most important projects, which aims to promote legal entities and individuals the sale of the product, to develop the tourism sector and to facilitate the visual support of business processes.
Ogustine SelfService is the result of effective collaboration between Netiko and Sykio. It is a platform that allows service providers to automate processes and respond effectively to customers' orders.
Se positionner davantage encore :
Renforcez votre visibilité grâce à votre bannière commerciale et à notre site
Netiko offers consultations at any stage of your company's development, at any stage of brand formation, advertising activities, production, and human resource management system development and management.
Aussi professionnelles et de qualité soient vos activités,
elles ne sont pas forcément aussi visibles qu'elles le méritent!